The Republican case for a Temporary Family Visitation Visa

Rick Taft and Forough Hosseini
Date of Publication: 
October, 2022
Source Organization: 

It is no surprise that the Temporary Family Visitation Act (TFVA) is gathering strong Republican congressional support. In fact, 18 of 43 cosponsors in the House are Republican and, in the upper chamber, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has partnered with Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on the legislation. The reason is simple: The bill aligns with key elements of the GOP agenda.

The TFVA, which would create a new nonimmigrant visa for foreign nationals who wish to visit family members in the U.S., would correct a major and obvious failure of the visa system in a way that would strengthen our economy and reduce the number of people applying for immigrant visas. It can also be seen as a way for Republicans to thread the needle on immigration reform as the bill would help Americans with an immigrant background (a growing Republican constituency including Hispanics and Asians who tend to hold conservative social values) without fostering additional immigration (a key objective for the party’s base).

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Taft, R., & Hosseini, F. (2022, October). The Republican case for a Temporary Family Visitation Visa. The Hill.
