Welcome to Akron: How Immigrants and Refugees are Contributing to Akron's Economic Growth

Partnership for a New American Economy
Date of Publication: 
March, 2016
Source Organization: 
New American Economy

Welcome to Akron: How Immigrants and Refugees are Contributing to Akron's Economic Growth by the Partnership for a New American Economy argues that Akron's immigrants and refugees are "critical" to the city's future economic success. The researchers draw on recent population and labor statistics, personalized with profiles of local immigrants and refugees, to show the contributions of foreign-born individuals to the Akron community. The report finds that the immigrant and refugee population drive economic growth by starting businesses, creating jobs, paying taxes that support local and federal programs and increasing housing values by investing in Akron property. The authors estimate that in 2013 the foreign-born in Akron contributed more than $17 million in state and local taxes including $3 million contributed by refugee households. From 2000-2013, foreign-born residents increased the county's housing value by $207 million. They also helped to offset population decline in Akron by increasing the number of taxpayers, strengthening the city's political representation at state and federal levels, and bolstering Akron's economic competitiveness. The report concludes by predicting that the future growth of the foreign-born community in Akron will have a positive impact on the economic success and cultural diversity of the city. (Sophia Mitrokostas for The Immigrant Learning Center Public Education Institute)

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Partnership for a New American Economy. (2016). Welcome to Akron: How Immigrants and Refugees are Contributing to Akron's Economic Growth. Partnership for a New American Economy. Washington: DC. Available at: http://www.renewoureconomy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Welcome-to-Akron_Partnership-for-a-New-American-Economy_June-2016.pdf
