Open For Business: How Immigrants are Driving Small Business Creation in the United States

Robert W. Fairlie
Date of Publication: 
August, 2012
Source Organization: 

"Open For Business: How Immigrants Are Driving Small Business Creation In The United States" analyzes the increasing importance of foreign-born entrepreneurs on U.S. economic growth and job creation. Picking up and moving to another country is brave and risky so perhaps it is not surprising that immigrants are venturing out and starting new businesses at a rate that far outpaces their share of the population. From local neighborhood shops to America's largest companies, immigrant business owners contribute more than $775 billion in revenue to our annual Gross Domestic Product and employ one out of every 10 American workers at privately-owned companies across the country. 

The report finds that immigrants are now more than twice as likely to start a business as the native-born. They started 28% of all new U.S. businesses in 2011, despite accounting for just 12.9 per cent of the U.S. population. And, over the last 15 years, immigrants have increased the rate by which they start businesses by more than 50 per cent while the native-born have seen their business generation rate decline by 10 per cent. 

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Fairlie, Robert W. (2012). Open For Business: How Immigrants Are Driving Small Business Creation In The United States. Retrieved from