Not Coming to America: Why the US is Falling Behind in the Global Race for Talent

Partnership for a New American Economy and Partnership for New York City
Date of Publication: 
May, 2012
Source Organization: 
New American Economy

This is a first-ever comparative study of the immigration reforms other countries employ to boost their economies and lure the high and low-skilled workers needed for continued economic growth.

The report by the Partnership for a New American Economy and Partnership for New York City identifies risks facing the U.S. economy if it does not reform its immigration laws and explores the recruitment strategies Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Singapore and the United Kingdom use to attract the workers needed to grow their economies.

The report also tells the stories of individuals recruited to other countries by immigration reforms that made it easy for them to contribute to their new country's economy and concludes by recommending six immigration reforms the U.S. can adopt to resume its position as the magnet for the world's most talented and necessary workers.

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Partnership for a New American Economy and Partnership for New York City (2012). Not Coming to America: Why the US is Falling Behind in the Global Race for Talent. Partnership for a New American Economy. Retrieved from
